Hey all! We are Daniela Ocampo, Chili and Nicolás Uribe, and we are Our Painted Lives.

The easiest way to describe the OPL YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ourpaintedlives is as an invitation, where we’re hoping people can accompany us while we paint, draw and converse.

The aim of the channel is to present painting as a habitual act, something that can be incorporated into our everyday lives, regardless of whatever level you feel you’re at, or for how long you’ve been painting for.

It’s important to note that the channel is designed so that we can all work from home. Everything we need to create a rewarding experience is right in front of us. So even if you have one hour a day, or if you can only work for one day a week, the idea is to recognize that the act of painting can be incredibly beneficial even when the end results are not the one’s we hope for. We are going to concentrate on the journey, reflect upon how our perception is shaped and how we can translate that perception into both paintings and drawings.

Every work produced will be available for purchase here at www.ourpaintedlives.com. That is one way to support the work we’re going to do. You can also consider donating to the channel if you find it useful! And the second way you can support our endeavor is by giving smaller artists, both young and old, a chance and purchasing their work. You can do it through a small local gallery, or you can contact the artists you enjoy directly. Just know that even if you’re a world’s away, you can make a world of difference with your encouragement.  

Thank you!

Dani, Chili & Nicolás